Bullet Train
What appears to be a simple snatch and grab job goes sideways when an ensemble cast of assissins’ and killers all collide on one bullet train to Kyoto.
Bullet Train is a weird movie to classify. Is it an action movie? The action is good but isn’t anything we haven’t seen in other movies, and it really waste some of the talent it has by giving people like Andrew Koji of HBO “Warrior” TV Show nothing to do. Is it a comedy? It has it’s funny moments but its not aiming to be a comedy with its wrong guy in the wrong place trope. At best this film falls into the same spot that Smokin’ Aces falls into. This is an ensemble cast movie with a cast of 2-3 really big stars and the rest have their own fan followings but are not as huge as our headliner Brad Pitt.
The heavy lifting and most entertaining performances to watch are really Aaron-Taylor Johnson (Kickass) known in this film as Tangerine and his “Twin” brother Bryan Tyree Henrey (Atlanta) known in this film as Lemon, as their conversations are very much inline with a Guy Richie dialog just not as clever. Aaron-Taylor Johnson really gives it his all to be the British hitman character and is just fun to watch.
The cameo list is long in this film and everyone does a great job at their respective rolls, even if it seems like all the headliners from a recent movie all just jumped on set to play their respective small parts and then went back as their one day of shooting was completed, in one persons case maybe 1 hour of shooting.
I simplified the plot when saying the story uses the wrong guy in the wrong place trope, its a little bit more elaborate than a group of assassin’s trying to get their hands on briefcase. The plot unfolds as we get closer to Kyoto. We learn that all the assassin’s and killers were lured to the train for a specific reason that even they don’t know. I think most people might figure it out before the reveal but its still a good twist, not as good Smokin’ Aces but still entertaining. The fight scenes between folks start simple and go to ridiculous, but are still fun to watch. Its great fun to see these characters figure out what is going on try to get explanations out before someone else tries to kill them.
The Verdict:
Art done by Hiro Mashima of Fairy Tale
Bullet Train is a fun who’s who of an underworld going head to head in a confined space, with a dash of wacky Japan culture thrown into it. For me this is like Smokin’ Aces which I really enjoy. Its a fun movie to watch with friends. Its not going to win any awards, but its an interesting story with some good action and a few well place jokes. This is the type of movie that the actors had a lot of fun making and it shows. When it looks like everyone on set is having a good time it definitely translates back to the audience for an enjoyable time.
If you go to the movie theater to see Oscar bait or huge blockbusters then this isn’t for you. If you enjoy going to the movies to just be entertained this movie will be right for you.
I believe for most people this falls into a Rent/Stream it rank.
Did you see Bullet Train? Did you read the book its based off of? Let us know what you think below. Love hearing everyone opinon’’s even when they hated the film